Brenda Robbins, R.D.H., B.S.

Brenda Robbins is a dental hygienist who graduated from the University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston in 1977.  She has practiced dental hygiene for more than 40 years in private practice including general practice, periodontics, prosthodontics, and in public health for the Texas Department of Public Health. Her interest in orofacial myology is personal.

As a wife, mother, and grandmother, she is dedicated to educating and helping everyone learn and experience the benefits of nasal breathing, proper tongue posture, correct swallowing, and improved upper body posture. Her hope is to change the world one tongue at a time!

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Six Goals of Myofunctional Therapy

Stay healthy, pain free,
and physically active as possible


Before any therapy can begin, the child or adult must be evaluated to assess specific problems. If any oral habits such as thumb or digit sucking, nail biting, lip sucking, or object chewing is present, a habit elimination program must be introduced. After successfully eliminating the oral habit, therapy can begin.

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